Emergency and non-emergency services are offered by Vidhya Sri Ambulance Services. Our main goal while providing an ambulance service is to get to those in need as soon as we can and give them immediate, life-saving first assistance. The safest and quickest route to the medical facilities for the injured patient is the secondary concern. After gathering the required data, it acts as a middleman and links the caller with the relevant department. with the aid of private ambulance hospitals and public hospitals.
Up until the patient is transported to the hospital, we offer the best ambulance transportation services with fully-equipped transport ventilators, cardiac monitors, and the life-saving medications needed for the patient.
Our ambulances are available to patients around-the-clock and are outfitted to manage even the most complicated crises. These ambulances are equipped with oxygen and all the other medications that can save a person’s life. These ambulances are managed by well-trained personnel in their particular disciplines of emergency management. There are qualified ambulance drivers on call 24 hours a day.
For Service Call: 9951648174 or whatsapp: 9951648174 Us